Thank you for registering for our EMACC Video Conference Program! We are excited to have you join our call.
Wednesday May 27, 2020
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
Thank you for registering for our EMACC Video Conference Program! We are excited to have you join our call.
How the Pandemic Has Leveled Up
the Importance of Social Media for your Business
Kendra's clientele not only includes EMACC but a few International businesses as well. We will hear Kendra speak about how social media has changed since the Pandemic began, suggestions for content and hashtags, her predictions of social media in the future and other insights into the ever changing and growing world of social media.
Topic: EMACC Connections with Kendra O'Connor We prefer you join us online in Video Format on ZOOM. Seeing each other will help keep us connected and feeling less isolated during this difficult time. Our thirty minute presentation will be followed by a brief question and answer session. The log-in/call-in information is below:The Comfort of your OWN COMPUTER SCREEN!
Time: May 27, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 284 790 0714
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Meeting ID: 284 790 0714
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There is no fee.
Please register so we know to expect you!
Jennifer Eckhoff
Send Email
97 Apple St Suite 8,
Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
We recommend you give us a call first since we do schedule many offsite appointments.
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