(732) 741-0055 |

Cowleys Pest Services


Pest Control ServicesBarter ExchangeHoliday Decorating Services

About Us

As a local, family-owned pest control company, our focus is on protecting the health and safety of our customers by providing timely and effective pest control using proven treatment methods.

Rep/Contact Info

View Personal Bio
Bill Cowley
Drew Cowley
Rhett Cowley
Residential Sales Inspector
Chris Dattoli
Marketing Coordinator
Julie Kaye
Tamara Mooney
Director of Human Resources/Appointment Center Manager
Randy Vogel
Tom Witkowski

October is Membership Month

Come see what we are all about at one of our upcoming events. Become a member in October and receive additional benefits!

Reward Your Business With Membership in EMACC!

For the month of May, join EMACC with no administrative fees PLUS receive a new member swag bag courtesy of EMACC member businesses.