(732) 741-0055 |

United Way of Monmouth and Ocean Counties

United Way of Monmouth and Ocean Counties

Charitable / Service / Non-Profit Organizations

About Us

United Way of Monmouth and Ocean Counties bridges the gaps to education, financial stability and health for every person in our community. The organization envisions a community where everyone achieves their greatest potential through a quality education, income stability and healthy lives. To learn more about United Way of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, please visit uwmoc.org.

Video Media


A student from Keansburg Preschool received a new coat from UWMOC's Warmest Wishes Coat Drive
Students in the Ocean County YMCA summer program funded by UWMOC
UWMOC donated new books with themes on diversity to children in Barnegat schools
A student in the Freehold YMCA summer program funded by UWMOC

Rep/Contact Info

Quinnetta Anderson
Engagement Director
Patti Harvey-Elphick
VP of Development
Ms. Lori Anne McLane
President and CEO
Kaarina Romero
Director of Marketing

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